I offer an adaptive individualized program that caters to each of my student’s specific needs. However, my method always follows the same basic model. Look at the child as a whole, then begin at the roots and build from the ground up.
Before learning can even begin, a number of prerequisites to learning must be met. Children cannot learn amid chaos or under a deadline. And they cannot learn if they are somehow sabotaging their own learning. Consequently, my first goal is to teach children about their brain’s needs as well as its endless capacities. These needs can be academic – for example, you cannot expect your brain to do Algebra if you are still struggling with your times table - or they can be psycho-emotional – for example, you cannot expect your brain to focus on studying if you are feeling anxious. Since my aim here is to familiarize children with their biggest ally in life, their ability to learn, the first step is to demistify the learning process.
After we get to know the learning process, it’s time to strengthen the brain’s capacities. Many children who struggle, do so because of inefficiencies in cognitive skills. Such skills include visual and auditory processing, memory, attention, organizational strategies, and processing speed. It is imperative to strengthen the brain at the cognitive level before starting work at the academic level. This step is all about preparing the brain to be as efficient as it can be.
Only after the brain is ready to learn can we begin work at the academic level. At this level, my goal is to first teach students how to tackle each subject. When a child understands how their brain learns mathematics, or what process it follows when it sets out to write an essay, doing math and writing papers suddenly require a lot less effort. Of course ample practice is needed to become a skilled mathematician or writer. When possible, I try to compliment the school curriculum in providing each student with necessary practice. This not only makes school-work more meaningful, it also avoids having to do “extra” work!
Finally, since it makes little sense to separate academics from the rest of the child, open and frequent communication with all those involved in a child’s learning environment (teachers, therapists, counselors, and family members) is a standard part of my practice.